Friday, April 1, 2011
I never knew Christina, but I know her son David and his wife Sharon very well. David talked to me a lot about his mother over the past few years, and I have a short story to share with you all. David once told me his mother knew how he loved the turkey drumstick at Thanksgiving when he was young. So she always insisted to those present that at least one drumstick was reserved for David. David and Sharon have become part of our annual extended family and friends big Thanksgiving Day dinner for the past several years. When I make a few comments before dinner, I always tell about a fake telephone conservation with Christina. I say she has called me again, and of course, I always wish her Happy Birthday since her birthdate has just passed. I then say that she said to me, "Now, Mr. Taylor, I want you to be sure my little boy gets his drumstick," and I dutifully respond, "Yes, ma'am." I then tell all our guest to be sure and leave one drumstick for David. Last year, one of our newer guest came to me and said, "What an interesting conversation you had with David's mother." I guess I told my story well. Rest in peace Christina.