Sunday, July 27, 2014
My beautiful Grandmother, Alberta Segerlin, has left us on this earth. While I am sad I didn't have a chance to say good bye, I am extremely grateful to have enjoyed her for so many years. She was absolutely amazing in every way: she made every holiday an event to remember; cooked the absolute best pot roast you ever tasted; baked the most beautiful original birthday cakes; made molasses cookies you'd fight for, hid chocolate bunnies every Easter that seemed bigger than I was; always had a never ending bowl of pink mints; never failed to greet us with big hugs and kisses with the smell of sweet perfume every time we visited; she could make anything into something fun; she recycled before it was cool; she remembered every birthday and wedding anniversary with a sweet card; she taught me how to knit when I was 10; she handmade clothes for us that were more beautiful than anything you could buy; it's quite possible without her camera in hand, we wouldn't have many childhood photos; she always had her lipstick on and dressed to the nines; she was a classy woman; and made less than cheerful days as a child, ten times brighter; she always exuded a positive outlook on life; loved unconditionally and most of all, she gave me my Dad who I miss so much and a wonderful aunt I can still adore (love you Brenda). God knows what an outstanding impression she left on this world and me. All I can say is thank you Lord for blessing us with her grace and love all these years!